Children of Stone and Fire

Story of your past and present

Harshvardhan Jha
2 min readMay 15, 2021
Thor’s fight with the giants (1872)
Thor’s Fight with the Giants (1872) by Mårten Eskil Winge

The story of stone:

Around 3.3 million years ago our ancient ancestors found out that stones lying dead on the surface of the earth can be used in more productive ways. This realization facilitated the creation of a primitive but significant technology. The name of this technology was stone-hammer.

Stone hammers were significant because they enabled prehistoric humans to obtain food more easily. The abundance of food led to better health and nutrition. As a result, our ancestors started to develop bigger brains. Now with more powerful brains than ever, they were able to make even better technologies.

This event started a chain reaction which led to many more such events. All these small but significant events played an important role in deciding the fate of mankind.

The story of fire:

These events took place approximately 1.3 million years after the invention of the first stone hammer. Prehistoric humans of this age were more intelligent than their ancestors and they were doing much better than almost all other species. But this was not enough and a catalyst was needed to speed up the evolutionary process. This catalytic effect was provided by a new technology.

Around this time our ancestors started to take control over the fire. Now for the first time they were able to produce fire at their will. The ability to control fire was simple but significant. As they gained control over the fire they started to cook food with it. And with this event, the technology of cooking got invented.

Cooking made the digestion process easier and now less energy was consumed to digest food. Due to which the digestive tract of pre-humans got smaller over time and the freed-up energy was used to develop bigger brains. This led to an increase in their consciousness and intelligence.

Effects of the events mentioned in the above two stories compounded over time finally leading to the birth of modern man.



Harshvardhan Jha

Bruce Wayne is my favorite superhero. I like Peter Parker more than Spider-Man.